• Okay to WOW!

    Okay to WOW!

    We build brands and transform businesses.
    Cut through the chaos.

Process Automation 

Automation & simplification of processes to boost sales & yield high returns is our forte.

Web App Development

We specialise in well engineered Low-DevOps web applications for your business.

PPC Marketing

Promote your brand and products/services with the highest efficiency & create lasting impression.

Our Promise

Untangled. Simplicity & Satisfaction

We are a big fan of simple. We don't complicate things. Unlike our competitors, we keep our solutions and pricing, simple and straightforward.

Speed & Scalability

Our solutions are high performant with low mantainence overhead

Fanatical Support

There’s customer support, and then there’s Kavasa support. We take pride in going above and beyond to solve issues and keep our clients happy.

Freedom. No lock-in

We love our clients. Our purpose is to see you happy. If not, we will do everything in our power to see you satisfied. But, if you want to leave our system, we wouldn't hold it against you. Unlike the market, we also help with data export and not just imports. We abhor lock-ins.

Obsessed over Quality

We build high quality products and solutions only. Quality is not an act but a habit. And habit makes our character. We never compromise on quality.

Right to Security & Privacy

Security and privacy is not an afterthought. It is a fundamental thing in whatever we do. We protect your data like we protect ours. You own your data. We will never advertise or sell your data. Ever.

You can’t solve a problem on the same level that it was created. You have to rise above it to the next level   - Albert Einstein

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